Thursday, January 28, 2010

Leno is a demon

Yes. Yes he is. I am watching his hideous song and dance on Oprah right now and it is causing violent reactions within me. I think I blacked out once, and I've vomited at least four times. I should be taping this in order to pick apart the bullshit spewing from both their mouths but I am not. This interview is a joke because Oprah and Jay are friends and she has taken his side. She basically just said as much in the interview. She didn't understand why so many fans have turned on Leno. She said she doesn't understand why people believe Leno stole the show from Conan when it "wasn't yours (Jay's) to steal. It was NBC's". That's right bitch. Generally people don't steal shit that belongs to them. Leno did steal the show. Before I continue proving this I need to touch on some thing Jay just said for the third time. Jay believes Conan's ratings are to blame for him being removed from the Tonight Show. Conan didn't have the ratings, so he shouldn't be the host. Jay Leno didn't have the ratings at 10pm, so he should get a better show and time slot back? Really?? That's logic.

Anyway, moving on. I was away unbeknownst to you, the reader. I posted something on Oprah's site. She had a poll before her interview in which 96% of people were in support of Conan. After the interview, 49%. So you can imagine how the interview went. I suppose Oprah is patting herself on the back. After reading some of the comments left by her viewers my eyes shriveled to raisin like proportions and then imploded. Oprah's kool-aid is quite the concoction. It's clear most people have not read this. It's an interview from November '09. when asked whether or not he would go back to 11:35 time slot,  Jay says "If that's what they wanted to do, sure. That would be fine if they wanted to." Actually, Jay asks himself a question then answers it. He does it constantly throughout the interview. Would i do this? Am I feeling this? Do i wear pants? It's annoying. It makes him seem disingenuous, which i suppose, he is. Jay was hoping this exact debacle would happen. Instead of actually retiring, he decided to hang around the network and do a crappy show. He also says in the interview that it takes time to build an audience. He says this in reference to Conan. But he's apparently changed his mind because in the interview with Oprah he thinks Conan couldn't cut it. Fuck. Y'know, I don't really feel like I'm proving anything. I don't think I can. I don't hate Leno. Well, I kind of do now. But I don't think I can prove him to be an evil demon. That's just my opinion. He should of stepped away, and gone out with class, instead of this. He's snatching away opportunity from a younger generation. Bah! I'm done. This is not what I want to be writing about. My trophy card is updating again. I'm going to go play Uncharted 2. J.D. Salinger is dead. I'll end this by pasting the comment I left on Oprahs site.
No one expected Conan to do Jay's numbers coming in. But the abysmal ratings of the Jay Leno show at 10pm affected the affiliates news ratings which affected the Tonight Show. Jay seems to want us to believe that since Conan didn't pull the ratings, he shouldn't host. Why should Jay be essentially rewarded for failing at 10pm? When Leno took over the Tonight Show in '93 he was losing in the ratings to Letterman until '97 when Hugh Grant appeared amidst his prostitute scandal. That one show gave Leno a huge amount of exposure and led to his ratings dominance. Conan's show never had the opportunity to garner such support. Not Until the end. Conan killed in the ratings the final week. I'm against Jay because back in '93 the same things were being reported about Jay. Talk of his backroom deals and backstabbing manipulation in order to take over the Tonight show. Back then it was decided that most of the blame should fall on the network. But here we are 17 years later. How can the same guy, be involved in the same scandal twice, and not be to blame? I think its insulting when Jay and Oprah say that we, the audience don't understand how television works. They seem afflicted with the cynicism that Conan hates. I know how television works. I'm aware how a lot of crappy industries work. But I'd rather watch and support an artist who bucks those trends, who defies that cynicism, and decides to go against the flow of sludge that plagues said industry. That's why I'm with Coco.

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