Sunday, September 13, 2009

the internets frighten me

ok. first post. umm, still trying to figure out my site layout and how to organize things the way i want.  i'm not used to any this despite being aware of and using the internet for 14 years. i've never used it to create anything, and i've never been educated to do so. what's html? what's embedding? what's a "link"? who am i? ya, so you get where am at. its very daunting. i am very outside my element here. i don't consider myself an idiot by any means, but when faced with these challenges that i'm sure most 15 year olds can accomplish in their sleep, i feel very...obtuse. well anyway, this is something i must do. It must be done! i hate exclamation marks. so i made a ps3 trophy card. and i'm currently trying to figure out how to get that baffling set of hieroglyphs to transform into said card. so here goes. but first i'll try this. anyone who magically happens to see this post (seeing as i won't be advertising its currently miserable existence) and is interested in obtaining a trophy card go HERE. Did it work? did you get there? was it everything you'd hoped? so now for the big show. what i really want is to be able to display this card permanently at the top of my page, and not just segregate it to this post. but its late and i must speak with higher more html adept wizards before bending the curious code to my will. ok. here we go
Holy meaningless symbols of pseudo accomplishment, Batman!!! it worked. excellent. confidence renewed...for now.

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