Monday, September 14, 2009

Uncharted 2 or Ratchet & Clank: Which are you more excited about?

This October will see the release of two high profile exclusives for the ps3, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves and Ratchet & Clank Future: A crack in time. Both games are sequels and both are set to greatly expand the universe of story and gameplay created by their predecessors. I myself am unsure which game I'm looking forward to more. So I'm going to take a quick look at each and perhaps by the end I'll know where I stand.

First up:Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
We first encountered Uncharted's hero, Nathan Drake, in developer Naughty Dog's freshman ps3 effort Uncharted: Drakes fortune. The sequel occurs two years after the original and finds Drake hunting down Marco Polo's treasure. Now admittedly, outside of that minuscule tidbit I am unaware of any other story elements. I have imposed a self quarantine upon myself in regards to the plot of this game. When I'm really anticipating a game I like to come in fresh, and I've been hungry for this game since completing the first. I didn't even play the multiplayer demo that came with Infamous. I am however more familiar with the gameplay of Uncharted.
And the gameplay is amazing. A mix of third person shooting with an excellent cover system, Tomb Raider-esque platforming, environmental puzzle solving, stealth and melee componenets all blended together to create a seamless cinematic thrill ride. Sound good? And as mentioned above, this time around Naughty Dog has added multiplayer, both competitive and co-op. I have to be honest and I say when I first learned of Uncharted 2's multiplayer, I was a little dismayed.  Often you find developers adding multiplayer components into games that really don't need or warrant them, thus detracting from the overall experience. But after seeing it in action, my fears were quickly assuaged. But even without the multiplayer, Uncharted 2, much like the first game, will be packed with replay value. There are treasures to find, trophies to unlock and the multiple difficulties that will cause you to adjust your playstyle with each increase in level. You haven't played Uncharted until you've played it on crushing. Naughty Dog have truly outdone themselves. By expanding and improving upon every aspect of the original, while keeping the core gameplay intact they have crafted an experience that every gamer should enjoy.

Next up:Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time
This game is the fifth full game in the series developed by Insomniac and a direct sequel to 2007's Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction. At the end of that game, Clank was transported away by the mysteriously miniature robot race the Zoni. ToD also introduced some more mature themes than the series is used to, with both Ratchet and Clank questioning their respective origin and overall purpose in the universe. A Crack in time promises to answer those questions, and reunite the dynamic duo.  The core gameplay of the series returns, which is a blend of shooting and platforming, with the unique upgradeable weapons being a highlight. But Insomniac has added a bit more this time around. There is a new time manipulation mechanic that you take advantage of while playing as Clank. 
With the use of a staff(the name of which is unknown by me.Quarantine!) Clank can record a section in time of himself completing a certain action, and then perpetuate this section, in essence duplicating himself. This will aid Clank in completing environmental puzzles and traverse the level. Another new gameplay element is Space exploration
This is something I'm very excited about. In previous games travel between planets was relegated to a non interactive cutscene, or an on rails shooter segment. Now the player has complete freedom when travelling from planet to planet. This should give the game a more open world,or open universe feel.

After deliberating the facts of each game, I am still unsure of which game has me more excited. It may seem strange, but although I feel Uncharted will be better overall, I'm more hyped about Ratchet and Clank. You see, the R&C series holds a special place in my pixelated heart, as the first game was a big part of my evolution as a gamer.  But that's a whole other story. How about you? Which game has burrowed in and fused to the sensory part of your brain? Causing you to lose sleep until you can finally embrace that glossy case, weeping with joy? If you're like me and are having trouble deciding, there is one simple solution: get both when they drop in October. The 13th for Uncharted, with Ratchet and Clank following 2 weeks later on the 27th. That's what I'm going to do.

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