Wednesday, September 16, 2009

PSN chain mail is getting out of hand

A few weeks ago the ps3's firmware was updated to version 3.0. This update included a host of features designed to make life on the psn easier to use, and more aesthetically pleasing. One such feature, however, is becoming the bane of the psn. That of course being, the ability to Copy and Paste.

Ever since the 3.0 update, the psn has been inundated with chain mails. Some are meant as petitions, some spread rumor and speculation, some are humorous, and some manage to achieve all three. The message capabilities on the playstation network are meant to aid gamers in connecting to or making new friends, and communicating viable information.  It is not meant as a platform for people to assault ones intelligence and patience. That's what's happening.  Now, chain mail on the psn isn't exactly new.  A few months ago some pictures were circulating the network, but they were few and far between and completely tolerable. Below is a few examples of these.

  These, in my opinion, were tolerable. Since the the ability to copy and paste was included in the update, I personally have received 9 different chain mails, and I've received each of the nine multiple times. Its become a real nuisance. The chain mails don't really anger as much as they annoy.  And confuse.  It's confusing trying to comprehend how or why someone would read some of these blatant lies and spread them on. Or how someone could believe these "petitions" will engender any type of change, especially since they're trying to change something that doesn't exist. Below is a complete transcript of one such chain mail.

Sony is ending PS3's Call of Duty contract. This means that COD Modern Warfare 2 will be the last of the Call of Duty series for the PS3 and will become an XBOX exclusive. Which is BULL! In order to send a message to PS3 headquarters, on September 20 everyone needs to change there comment to say "Call of  Duty" (DO IT) Please PASS THIS THE F*** ON TO EVERYONE (Even Random People) Don't let PS3 sellout. For all the COD people and PS3 fanboys, Sept 20th is for Call of Duty.

I laugh every time I read "PS3 headquarters". Where is this place? What do they do there? I imagine something akin to the Justice League Satellite. At first I assumed this was a joke and nothing more. Then I noticed some comments on my friends list had changed. Then I noticed posts like this around the net. Then I received the chain mail seven more times. And this is where it becomes a problem. Rumors spread online are usually corroborated or squashed by industry professionals or the community rather quickly. But not everyone on the psn visits gaming sites on a regular basis. And its these people that may be left with a negative view of a certain game or company that isn't warranted. These types of rumors also steal focus away from more important issues that Sony would rather you focus on, such as purchasing and playing games on their consoles.  Every time Sony or another company has to issue a statement to dispel rumors it damages their momentum, and in a way perpetuates the rumor among the paranoid conspirisists. In the past few weeks there have been claims that COD:MW2 will see maps exclusive to the 360, Microsoft is paying developers to    "screw over our version of games", and believe it or not that the ps3 will get L4D and HALO, all coming from chain mails. Its out of hand, and needs to stop. Don't believe anything you read in a chain mail. Placing "Call of Duty" or "Stop Screwing Sony Users" in your comment will not be seen by Sony, who orbit the planet in their headquarters, cancelling non existent contracts.


  1. This is getting way out of hand, i also get a lot of these! Why not just report them to sony or send them a message back saying: Sony is now onto the Chainmail senders and people are beeing told to report them.
    Further messaging of chainmail will lead to a 7 day ban from PSN....

    Your dearest
    PS3 Headquartes

  2. My first comment! and its from Headquarters! I don't want to report anyone and get them in trouble, I just want them to have more common sense.


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